Sunday, July 17, 2011


OH.... MY..... GOSH!!!! I can NOT believe I have lived in Utah almost my entire life and had NEVER heard of Promontory Point before!!!! Isaac studied Utah history last year in school and learned about the 2 rail roads coming together and asked us to take him to see it.

Promotory Point is west of of Brigham City in the middle of no where. And you haven't been there, you should plan a visit!!! Every Saturday in the summer they reinact the last spike being driven in the ground. You get to see the trains. There is a museum and movies to watch.

Abi and Bella loved seeing the trains. We went a few weeks ago and they still talk about how much fun they had and how loud the trains were.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bella LOVES to have her nails polished!!! But she insists that ONLY her and Maura can cut and polish her nails. Most of her polish from the 4th of July has come off so she wanted them done again. She was throwing the biggest tempertantrum to do it herself so I finally gave in...

Bella's Toes
Bella's hands

Abi's toes

Abi's hands