Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Royal Picnic

You are here by invited -
to view pictures of the
Royal Picnic
that took place on Feb 15, 2011,
at the royal castle!

(OOPS! Once again my pictures are in Reverse order! You might want to scroll down to the bottom and then read up to the top.)

After eating so much GOOD food the Queen and Princess were too tired and full to stand for a picture.

King Isaac packed a delicous dinner into the picnic basket.
The dinner consisted of
Left over heart shaped Jell-o,
Left over Pancakes,
Left over chicken nuggets,
(are you noticing a theme?)
Left over Peaches,
Left over Pears,
and a bottle of water.
Then he took the lovely picnic to the
where his queen and princess were waiting for him!
(P.S be sure to notice Isaac's head sticking out the window in the above picture)

King Issac, Queen Abi, and Princess Bell
(I didn't come up with the names - they did!)
Inivite you to view pictures of their Royal Picnic!